| Robert L. Parke, CLI - In Memoriam
Robert L. Parke, CLI, a founding member of the ICI passed away on 9/29/2020. Bob was to the core a strong willed and very principled man, yet he was always willing to shake hands, share a beverage, and let bygones be bygones. He served our country with honor, dignity and integrity. He was extremely devoted to his family and lovely wife Ellie. He freely shared his love of photography, playing the harmonica, and writing. Always the consummate professional, Bob will be deeply missed.
Author of: "Staying Safe in an Unsafe World -
A Guide for College Women" 2014 Amazon
Al R. Petritis, CLI
Petritis Group, Inc.
22 W 260 Temple Dr.
Medinah, IL 60157
Specialties - Complex Personal injury, construction negligence, background
Experience 25+ years